Pacer divisions 2024

The pacers are positioned centrally in the relevant start area, you can recognize them by the recognizable clothing and flag with the desired end time.
Wave Pacer time Wave start time Present in start area
Start area A - part of wave 1 1:30 14:00 13:40
Start area B - part of wave 1 1:35 14:00 13:40
Wave 1 1:40 - 1:45 14:00 13:40
Wave 2 1:50 - 1:55 14:15 13:55
Wave 3 2:00 - 2:05 - 2:10 14:30 14:10


Pacers are pace setters, who because of their extensive race experience, have a perfect feel for the distance, conditions and pace. Because of this, they are able to walk very evenly to the finish. To help you through the difficult moments, they will fall back into the group every now and then to encourage you and provide you with invaluable tips and advice.

The groups of participants are divided under planned target times. Per group, two or three pacers run with the NN CPC Run The Hague. They are clearly recognisable by their white uniform and by their placard with the target time with the logos of Nationale-Nederlanden and Runner's World on it.

Participation in the Nationale-Nederlanden Pacing Team powered by Runner's World team involves - apart from the usual entry fees for the event itself - no additional costs.


It is not necessary to sign up. The pacers are divided into the different starting waves. There is no central gathering point, you can meet the pacers directly in the starting areas.

You can easily recognise the pacers by the white shirts and running jackets with the Nationale-Nederlanden and Runner's World logos on them. During the run of the NN CPC Loop Den Haag, they will wear a backpack with a flag, on which the target time is clearly visible (see photo). This will allow you to see/follow the pacers along the way. The pacers will set the pace, but will also be there to answer any questions you may have or to help you through any difficult moments.

Do you have a personal running goal?

At Nationale-Nederlanden we think it is important to help people achieve their personal goals. Everyone runs for the achievement of a personal goal. During the NN CPC Loop Den Haag, you do not have to do this alone. The Nationale-Nederlanden Pacing Team powered by Runner's World will be happy to help you run at the right pace, whatever your target time is. Your goal, your pace.

Supporter of all runners.